Mission completed: Black rhino female Eliska from ZOO Dvur Kralove is well in Africa
Date: 28.06.2016
Black rhino female Eliska, born in 2012 in ZOO Dvur Kralove, was successfully transported from the Czech Republic to the rhino sanctuary in Tanzanian reservation Mkomazi on Monday 27th June. She is going to be involved to the reproduction programme whose aim is to revive black rhino population in this area.
ZOO Dvůr Králové to Send Critically Endangered Rhino to Tanzanian Sanctuary
Date: 24.06.2016
On Sunday 26th June, ZOO Dvur Kralove will transport another black rhino to Tanzania. The transfer will enhance one of the only three remaining populations of this critically endangered rhino species in the country. Female Eliška is to be returned to the area from where her progenitors were shipped to the zoo by its former director Josef Vágner 40 years ago.
Great rhino success in ZOO Dvur Kralove
Date: 10.06.2016
ZOO Dvur Kralove in the Czech Republic proves to be one of the most successful rhino breeders in the world. On the 9th of June, the 42nd black rhino calf in the zoo history was born and other two females are pregnant. Currently, a group of 16 black rhinos in Dvur Kralove is the largest one in Europe and the only one in the Czech Republic.
Vietnamese pop star Thu Minh cooperates with Czech ZOO Dvur Kralove on the rhino rescue
Date: 09.06.2016
Thu Minh, a UN Campaign Champion, visited ZOO Dvur Kralove in the Czech Republic on Sunday 5th June to support its efforts in rhino conservation. In the zoo, she launched the part of Wild for Life campaign that is dedicated to the critical situation of rhinos in the wild. On average three rhinos are poached for their horn every day in Africa.
Seeking to Rewind Mammalian Extinction - The Effort to Save the Northern White Rhino
Date: 05.05.2016
In December 2015 an international group of scientists convened in Austria to discuss the imminent extinction of the northern white rhinoceros and the possibility of bringing the species back from brink of extinction. The discussions of this historic meeting appear in the international Journal Zoo Biology. The publication of this work is designed as part of the ongoing effort to raise awareness for the extinction crisis facing rhinos and many other species while also reaching out to the scientific community to share and gather information.
Reproduction and stem cell researchers set up a rescue plan for Northern White Rhino
Date: 22.12.2015
International scientists set up a rescue plan for the worldwide last three northern white rhinos (Ceratotherium simum cottoni). The goal is to use the remaining three rhinos and tissue samples from already dead individuals to multiply them into a viable self-sustaining population. For this purpose scientists apply recent findings in reproduction and stem cell research.
Saving the Northern White Rhino - International Rescue Meeting in Vienna
Date: 02.12.2015
An international team of the world’s leading reproductive and genetic experts will meet from 3rd – 6th December, 2015 in Vienna with the purpose of fighting extinction. The meeting, organised by the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) in Germany, San Diego Zoo Global in the United States, Tiergarten Schönbrunn in Austria and ZOO Dvůr Králové of the Czech Republic will include scientists from four continents. The goal of the meeting will be to setup a master plan to save the northern white rhino, a species on the brink of extinction.
And Then There Were Three
Date: 24.11.2015
Nola, a female northern white rhino in San Diego Zoo, died aged 41 on Sunday 22nd November. This leaves just three remaining on the planet; all of them live in Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya. The future of this species now lies in the development of in vitro fertilisation techniques and stem cell technology, costly and complicated procedures that have never before been attempted in rhinos. Dvur Kralove Zoo is together with Ol Pejeta Conservancy trying to raise USD 1 million towards this with a Gofundme campaign called ‘Make a Rhino’.
Nola, one of the last four northern white rhinos in the world, died
Date: 23.11.2015
Northern white rhino female Nola had to be euthanized at San Diego Zoo Safari Park on Sunday. Nola was one of only four northern white rhinos left in the world. Dvůr Králové Zoo is the only zoo where northern white rhinos have ever bred and thus the zoo prolonged their presence on the planet. To enhance breeding, Dvůr Králové Zoo provided San Diego Zoo with its three rhinos including Nola almost 25 years ago. In 2009 Dvůr Králové Zoo sent to custody in a Kenyan conservancy another four rhinos. Unfortunately, in both cases an attempt at natural reproduction failed.
The Czech Republic and Vietnam agreed in Dvur Kralove Zoo on the joint fight against the illegal wildlife trade
Date: 23.11.2015
On Thursday 19th November 2015, representatives of the Czech Republic and Vietnam signed a declaration on a collaboration in the field of the CITES treaty (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). The declaration is the first in this area that the Czech Republic entered into with another country. The signing by Czech Deputy Environment Minister Vladimír Dolejský and Vietnamese Deputy Agriculture Minister Ha Cong Tuan took place in Dvur Kralove Zoo in the presence of its director Přemysl Rabas.