We love gifts

We love gifts :)

By this, we mean not only financial but material ones. Our animals certainly appreciate them. If you feel like giving something on the bulky side, please get in touch and talk through your ideas in advance. You are sure to put a smile on the faces of our wildebeest herd.

The gifts our animals prefer

We highly appreciate any offers of foodstuffs, animal food, food sample examinations, veterinary analyses and the like. In fact, we are often asked as to what gifts would be welcome. That is why we have put together a list of examples that are guaranteed to please one and all.

  • Fodder wheat - We can accept it all the year round. It must be dry with no foreign matter and free of fungi.
  • Flaxseed - Again, this is needed all year round. It must be dry with no foreign matter and free of fungi.
  • Fish as food (live) - Only the following freshwater fish are acceptable, being required throughout the year: carp, crucian carp, roach, bream, topmouth gudgeon. Sizes: less than 8cm and 15 - 20 cm.
  • Pumpkins - From the third week of September till the end of October; sizes: 2 to 30 kg, any colour, undamaged, ripe, with no presence of fungi.
  • Carrots, root parsley, apples - All the year round, undamaged, ripe, with no presence of fungi.

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Mission completed: Black rhino female Eliska from ZOO Dvur Kralove is well in Africa

Black rhino female Eliska, born in 2012 in ZOO Dvur Kralove, was successfully transported from the Czech Republic to the rhino sanctuary in Tanzanian reservation Mkomazi on Monday 27th June. She is going to be involved to the reproduction programme whose aim is to revive black rhino population in this area.

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