How much will a visit cost? Well, there’s no need to worry on that front. Prices are very reasonable, plus there are discounts for students, groups, children and families. What’s more, our car park is free of charge.
You can view other periods by clicking on the links in the top left corner of this page, or go right to the spring, summer, or autumn season.
Winter season
Open from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m.
November | December | January | February| March
Full admission | 120 CZK |
Lowered admission1 | 80 CZK |
Children (2 - 4 years of age) | 50 CZK |
Children (4 - 15 years of age) | 80 CZK |
Family3 | 360 CZK |
Group discount4 | discount 10 % |
Dog5 | 100 CZK |
Guests of Hotel Safari6 | FREE |
Childres younger than 2 years | FREE |
Blind | FREE |
Bus drivers | FREE |
Parking space | FREE |
1. Lowered admission: children 4 - 12 yars, students no oldar than 26 years – with valid certificate, pensioner, disabled, guide for disabled, school trips.
2. Valid zoo ticket is required.
3. Family: 2 adults and 2 kids (4–12 years) top.
4. Group discount: for 15 and more playing persons. Family pass - 10 % discount.
5. Dog, cat, ferret: has to be on leash and controllable all the time. Animal entry is limited in some pavilions.
6. Guest of Hotel Safari: free entry for the duration of stay. Guests of Safarikemp: accomodated in bungalov or accomodated for at least 2 nights (tent, caravan) free entry for the duration of stay.
7. Fixed annual ticket: valid for unlimited entries into classic part of the zoo. Valid for one year. Fixed by the name.
8. Ticket is limmited to 10 visits. Can be used for evening safari as well. 1 person = 1 entry.
9. Ticket is limmited to 20 visits. Can be used for evening safari as well. 1 person = 1 entry.
10. Limited to 10 visits. Valid outside of summer season. Can be used for visit in summer season with additional fee. 1 person = 1 entry.
11. Limited to 20 visits. Valid outside of summer season. Can be used for visit in summer season with additional fee. 1 person = 1 entry.
12. Free: children younger that 2 years, blind, treacher (escort) above 15 persons, bus drivers (Parking at zoo's parking space)