
We hope you thoroughly enjoy your visit and leave with fond memories of the place. Visitors such as yourself are the lifeblood of the zoo, enabling us to keep it going and carry out improvements. We are most grateful for any donations generously given to help with the upkeep of the establishment. Without such support, we would not be able to continue our conservation programmes and bring joy to everyone passing through our gates.

Please, take a moment to consider donating to Dvůr Králové Zoo. There are a number of ways to do so, please see below.

Dana Holečková
Zoo Director

Adopt me

Adopt me

Become a foster parent to your favourite animal. Not only will you have a new family member, but you will be lending us support whilst receiving some wonderful gifts and benefits. Join those helping to pay back our enormous debt to Mother Nature. It is as simple as simple can be - just fill in the form.

Adopt me

Donations via SMS

Donations via SMS

Today, sending a Donation SMS (DMS) is the easiest way to support good causes with smaller amounts. Of course, it is always possible to send more than one. ;) The great thing is that there is no need to arrange a bank transfer or postal order. Just grab your mobile, choose your favourite animal and start pressing the keypad.

Donations via SMS

Becoming a partner of the zoo

Becoming a partner of the zoo

Is your company animal-friendly and would you like to help by giving a donation? Does your company need an edge over the competition by adhering to the Corporate Social Responsibility principle? A partnership with the zoo may be one way of achieving this.

Becoming a partner of the zoo

We love gifts

We love gifts

By this, we mean not only financial but material ones. Our animals certainly appreciate them. If you feel like giving something on the bulky side, please get in touch and talk through your ideas in advance. You are sure to put a smile on the faces of our wildebeest herd.

We love gifts

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For successfull sending of the message, please fill the following code LMW849.

Fields marked with (*) are required.



Mission completed: Black rhino female Eliska from ZOO Dvur Kralove is well in Africa

Black rhino female Eliska, born in 2012 in ZOO Dvur Kralove, was successfully transported from the Czech Republic to the rhino sanctuary in Tanzanian reservation Mkomazi on Monday 27th June. She is going to be involved to the reproduction programme whose aim is to revive black rhino population in this area.

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