Getting here
Not sure of the best route? Just enter your current location and we will do the rest.
By car
You will find clear road signs on all roads leading to us. There is a free car park next to the zoo.
By train
The Dvůr Králové nad Labem railway station is on the 030 route from Jaroměř to Liberec. The station is a regular stop for all express and ordinary trains. Some buses run from there to the zoo, but not all go right the way to it. Alternatively, it is a 3.5 km walk.
By bus
The bus station can be found in the eastern part of the town. A 2 km walk will still be necessary through the city. From 31 May up to 28 September, there is also the option of hopping on a city bus. Download the timetable as a PDF file (you need Adobe Reader - external link).
Trains and buses timetables can found on - external link.