Declaration of accessability - external link , the developer of these WWW sites, declares, that these sites fulfil all important accessibility rules according to the methodlist of Blind Friendly Web - external link (project of United organization of purblinds and blinds) as well as WCAG 1.0 - external link .
All texts are defined in relative units and can be simply magnified and decreased by standard tools of the internet browsers. Organization and handling of websites is designed the way in order that the sites would be accessible for alternative browsers as well as for persons with specific needs.
Informations provided by pictures are also available as a text.
All web link labels open into the same window. Links leading outisde of WWW presentation of, are marked with an icon - external link .
Web standards
The layout and content structure are created by structural XHTML 1.0 Strict. Visual presentation is created by cascade styles (CSS 2); informative value of the web remains the same also without their usage. The cascade styles can be switched off by standard functions of internet browsers (if they support these functions).
Fot the most important navigation components, following accesskeys are used:
- 0 - Declaration of accessability
- U - Homepage
- N - Welcome
- V - Conservation & education
- P - Your much needed support
- Z - Experience programmes
- D - Download
- F - For businesses
- O - About the zoo
- S - Press
- M - Site map
- K - Contact us
Technical administrator of WWW presentation
If you will find anything on these websites that according to you does not correspond to accessibility requirements, please inform us and we will make effort for elimination of these imperfections.
Wizards CZ s.r.o.
Smilova 391 (2nd floor)
530 02 Pardubice
web: - external link