Guided tours around the zoo

Guided tours around the zoo

Find your way around our African wilderness and learn about the intriguing places at the zoo in the company of a reliable guide. Discover facts about the animals' lives, the routines at the zoo and listen to fascinating stories most visitors do not get to hear. Feel free to probe your guide for information!

What you can expect

  • A tour by an expert guide throughout your visit.
  • Tours can be conducted in Czech, English or Polish.
  • The guides can be mady only in working days.



Czech narration 2500 CZK per hour  and a half
Narration in English 3500 CZKper hour and a half
  • Tours are designed for individuals as well as groups of up to 20 persons.
  • The price does not include enterance fee
  • The service is provided during zoo's opepening hours.
  • The program must be reserved at least 5 days in advance. 

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Please book your zoo guide using the form below. Once the form is sent, please, wait for an email confirming your booking. No booking is valid unless confirmed. Feel free to pay for your zoo guide either cash at the entrance or to the bank account No. 196402086/0300, variable symbol 602 101. (Enter your family name in the Message for recipient field.)

For successfull sending of the message, please fill the following code ZSN995.

Fields marked with (*) are required.

For successfull sending of the message, please fill the following code NPL485.

Fields marked with (*) are required.

Open times

Winter season

9:00 open

close 16:00

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Experience programmes Guided tours around the zoo

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