Partner of the zoo

Becoming a partner of the zoo

Is your company animal-friendly and would you like to help by giving a donation? Does your company need an edge over the competition by adhering to the Corporate Social Responsibility principle? A partnership with the zoo may be one way of achieving this.

We can develop a smart system of benefits and programmes tailor-made for your company, whilst ensuring a hippo gets the pool it desperately needs. If this appeals to you, contact us and we will happily discuss the details.

By the way, be sure to visit the for businesses section, where other great possibilities of working with us can be found alongside making use of our services for conferences, training sessions, social events, accommodation, advertising and much, much more.

One tip: surprise your business partners by giving them the gift of an experience programme rather than something more humdrum, such as leather diary. Getting their hands dirty by cleaning the elephant house will definitely linger long in the memory and benefit future work activities.

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